Soderville/Blaine Athletic Association

2024 Coach/Assistant Coach Registration



Welcome to the 2024 Coach & Assistant Coach Registration with Soderville/Blaine Athletic Association.

Nearly all of SBAA's baseball and fastpitch teams are coached by volunteer parents. These volunteer coaches are the backbone of our association.

This simple application form will be used to help SBAA select our coaches early in the process and help facilitate the formation of in-house baseball, and the in-house and traveling fastpitch leagues. Your application will be reviewed by the Coach Selection Committee and you will be notified upon approval of your application. 

Please note the application process has changed and is different for In-House Baseball and Traveling Fastpitch.  Instructions will differ on the coach page based on whether you'd like to be a In-House Recreational Coach or a Traveling Softball Coach.


If you have an interest in coaching, but are unsure, please keep in mind that all coaches have a first year. SBAA will provide you with coaching clinics and other instructional material to help you get started and provide you with technical and coaching instruction. Nearly every coach will tell you that all you really need is a general understanding of the game and a strong interest in helping kids. Being an assistant coach is also a good start.

If you are selected as an SBAA head coach, you will receive your SBAA volunteer fee back that you paid at the time of registration. This is typically paid back in the same form it was received (credit card or check). Please note that although SBAA recognizes that assistant coaches provide valuable assistance to the head coach and team, assistant coaches are not eligible to receive their volunteer fee back for coaching.


Questions can be directed to:

Corryn Andeson

Soderville/Blaine Athletic Association

Phone: 7634133555